Monday, April 6, 2020

The Numerous Benefits of Ballet

Ballet, a dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts in the 15th century, has now become one of the popular forms of art. Its rich history, graceful movements, and utmost elegance have inspired and attracted thousands of crowds across the world. In fact, just in the United States, there are over two million dancers in the ballet community. The data mentions that this number is only expected to rise in the years to come. 

Although dancers make it look effortless, it is regarded as one of the most intense forms of arts. Ballet being both sports and art, it is physically taxing. Since it is a combination of the two, there no doubt that Ballet will have countless benefits. Here are some of the many advantages of ballet dancing

1. Physical Benefits of Ballet Classes 

•  Ballet helps in the development of streamlined muscles. When doing Ballet, it requires the coordination of both upper and lower body strength, especially giving focus to core muscles. Over time, regular practice builds streamlined and strong muscle groups. As every tip of the body is indulged in rigorous activity, dancers develop a toned and fit body. 

•  Ballet scores high when it comes to building and improving flexibility, agility, and balance. With consistent practice, dancers can do complex movements, fast footwork, quick turns, and high leg extensions, all of which improve the overall flexibility and agility of the dancer.

2. Emotional Benefits of Ballet Classes 

•  As Ballet requires intense coordination between muscles, it equally nictitates strong coordination with mind. With every complicated move, ballet dancers improve their neuroplasticity, which overall enhances the learning, memory, and comprehension ability of the dancer.

•  Another notable benefit of ballet class is that it builds endurance within the student. Ballet requires consistent practice to master the art. During ballet classes, dancers must hold themselves in challenging positions and transitions; as a result, they must train their muscles to something new every day. To meet this demand, dancers are in regular practice, thereby improving their endurance.

3. Social Benefits of Ballet Classes
•  Ballet is teamwork. Dancers must work in unison to master the routine. As students are required to work in groups for a prolonged time, ballet classes often develop the spirit of teamwork and unity in students.

•  Dancing, in its essence, improves the social and confidence level of a person. With ballet classes, students are always in an exciting environment, which gives them ample opportunity to meet new people and establish lifelong friendships. Also, performing on stage, learning new skills, and improved self-image boosts the overall confidence of a dancer. 

Join Lavita, the leading Music and Art Centre in Sharjah. With our professional & dedicated teachers, your child is guaranteed to experience these benefits in no time. Attend the best ballet classes in Sharjah at a reasonable price and witness your child master this beautiful art.